Monday, 18 July 2016


Aloha, Ahoy

At the start of July, I wrote a post titled 'Happy', I talked about finding the things that make you happy and then spending your time living and breathing it.

The planet feels like it's in a real state of disrepair at the moment, social media is a labyrinth of misery & negativity, people feel divided.
I believe in a world without borders, without judgement and in a community that respects the planet, that nurtures her, invests in her.

Earth is a beautiful planet, manifested by humanity among other lifeforms, the natural world exists in a state of harmony. A delicate balance that exists throughout the entire universe.

Life is like that, finding the formula to happiness and a good life, is something that we are all searching for. The truth is we all seek love, companionship, freedom & harmony.

Many people live afraid of not finding what it is that they seek, so they cling to the shelter of security, but I was never one to follow others. I was always a little outside of everyone in class, a curiosity to some, a hippy to others, never quite accepted or understood. A day dreamer, someone not associated with reality but that was okay, I liked dancing on the edge of the world, I liked to be a little different because it made me feel like I didn't need to become like everyone else in order to exist in their world, I knew one day I'd step outside of town and though I didn't realise it back then, would never return to live there.

I always feel like I exist on the edge of humanity. On the edge of my social circles, poised half toward the horizon because I know when the moment comes I'll wander west towards the ocean following the sun.

My compass doesn't point north, nor at the moment does it point in any specific direction. I'm half terrified and half excited by that. I long for all things that humans do, of course I do but I search for those things in a different manner, I'm not looking for someone or a place to call home, because in truth I feel as though I belong in all places, I find a little part of myself in the people I meet, the friends I keep.

I love to travel, I love to explore places, meet people with interesting stories, I like to find myself while leaving a little part of me in the places I have traveled. I find it hard to come home, I don't feel like home is one place.

I always felt as though my heart was leading me in directions away from societies perception of life. As a kid I longed to be outside, my favourite days were the lengthening days of spring spent wandering in the trees, being in the ocean, feeling like I was anywhere in the world but where I was.

I couldn't sleep while the sun was up and my folks would walk me round the garden or drive me round town until I would nod off. I have always found travel therapeutic. Being on trains, on ships, being on the road, the journey is often as good for me as the destination and adventure itself.

I like to be alone, I like to explore life my own way but I still love companionship, I too one day want  to share the adventures, to run wild with someone as wild as me, to feel that electrical spark you feel when you connect with someone, when you can just while away the time talking or listening to music.

To me life is for living, to me life is exploration, it's adventure, it's the harmony at being one with nature, with life in all aspects of living.

Don't search for love, for life, when you're completely comfortable in yourself can you be completely comfortable around someone else. You really do need to be enough on your own because if you're not, you'll never be enough. You will never find what you seek if you look for it. It will find you when you least expect it. Live and trust that you will while travelling on the road learn what it is you seek and find what it is that your heart desires.

My words to you,

Be kind always.
Believe in love even when your own heart aches.
Have faith in yourself and humanity. There is good left in the world.
Treat the planet with the same care you would treat those close to you with.
Adventure, don't be afraid to make new friends to take paths you haven't walked down before.
 Find what sets your heart on fire & let the passion burn brightly.
Be honest with yourself, with those around you & trust your instincts.
Believe in the magic that exists in this world, it is all around you.
Trust that when things are hard, that when nothing makes sense, that there will be someone there to support you, to hold you up when you cannot find the strength to stand. 
Be yourself, be everything you have ever dreamed of being.

The magic you seek is the life you will create.

Endless oceans, horizons & adventures.

We are all on the road of life.

So let's write a good story to tell.


Love & Peace


- Content belongs to it's respective owners -
L I T T L E B E A R W O L F - KG Ⓒ 2016 -

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