Sunday, 28 August 2016








Aloha - Ahoy

I wanted to write something this morning, a little something about kindness. Fear not, it very much relates to music and specifically, LBW.

I worked in the corporate world for several global organizations in multi-billion dollar industries.
The more I got closer to the core, the more I realised that the people at the top were no different to you or I, there was just a lack of kindness, it was like the scent of money, power and success were purer there.
It was every man for himself.
I knew I had entered a place in which I didn't belong.

I found a band of friends who roamed the world, nomads writing music and creating art and spending time with them helped me understand so much about myself.

There was the corporate machine world, feeding on money, success & power.
There was the natural world, a place of beauty, of freedom, of wonder.
 Nature, the planet, the universe are the powerful forces; we merely reside in a corner of her space.
You only have to spend a little time in nature to become very humbled by that realization; In the ocean as you face the oncoming waves, as you climb the mountain rocks, as you wander through valleys of trees and hills.

I find myself in nature, to escape, to recharge, to reconnect with the world.

 Perhaps one day I'll live in the forest, near to the ocean living off forest fruits and existing only in nature.

For now I exist in both. Which meant finding a way to exist in both worlds.

If I was going to make money to live, I was going to do something that made a difference to people, something I was passionate about.

Balancing a passion of music and travel, of seeking knowledge and living for adventures.
Whenever I'm not in the music world, I'll be found out on the dirt tracks of the world, adventuring.
 I get to do great work, spending time with wonderful musicians and meet lots of inspiring people.
Rather than having a career, I tuned into my passions and created a way to exist in the world while dancing to the beat of my own drum.

That band of people by the way, signed to a huge label and never sold out their medicine. They still play spreading their message, helping communities and ensuring they leave the world in a better state than they found it.

I realised that the machine is run by people, you can be at the top and make one hell of a difference to the world, if you value kindness.
If you're the kind of person who will use your power for good.

I will never take the opportunities and adventures I have for granted, I work hard for it, to maintain it.
I didn't and don't want to enjoy it alone, the passion behind writing about music, was to share it with the world.
To create a community space for people to share in their passion of music, to connect music with the world.

 I realised within myself that the reason I always felt as though I was stumbling to keep up with my generation, with achieving the things we were told to acheive, was actually not in my nature, I didn't crave or strive for those things.

These days, I just try to do good and help others where possible as much as I can.
I definitely think karma exists in the world.
That light you create for others often lights your own path too. It should inspire you to be more kind. Imagine how light the world would be if we were kind to every person we interacted with.

What always surprises me, is how taken back people are by kindness. Is humankind in such a state that an act of kindness is rare and something to behold?
Something that surprises us so much?

I'm not here to tell you how to be kind, just simply to say kindness is incredibly important in the world.
Let's be that change we all talk of.

I did promise you this related to music, which probably hasn't been that clear, this space is to share emerging music with people around the world. I hope you all feel welcome to come to revel in great tunes, to connect over the music you love and that you'll pop back and continue to support emerging live music.

Here are three bands that you absolutely have to check out. These are the bands that you will want to keep both eyes on because not only have they found the formula of the magics, they're able to capture it in song form and when they play live, they emit these incredible vibes from the stage.


T H E // B I T T E R // T O W N // H O U N D S

K A M I K A Z E // T E S T // P I L OT S 

Catch these guys at The Fiddler's Elbow in London tonight!

Be kind always and you will find that the energy you create, connects you with people that you can share the adventures of life with.

- Content belongs to it's respective owners -
L I T T L E B E A R W O L F - KG Ⓒ 2016 -

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